Donkey Supreme - Kohnke's Own

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Kohnke's Own Donkey Supreme - is the world’s first supplement for donkeys of all ages and activity

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Donkey Supreme 1.4kg - Expiry Aug 2024

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Special Price $15.95 Regular Price $44.95

Donkey Supreme 4kg

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Special Price $79.95 Regular Price $94.95

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Special Price $15.95 Regular Price $44.95

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Special Price $79.95 Regular Price $94.95

Donkey Supreme

Kohnke's Own

Kohnke's Own Donkey Supreme- it’s not just a horse supplement, it is a supreme supplement especially formulated for donkeys to meet their specific nutrient needs and dietary balance.

Many donkeys are used to keep the grass mown in small areas and house paddocks and often graze weeds and rough plants which horses and other animals leave. They are gentle, lovable companion animals which don’t need high energy prepared feeds or grain based diets. Often their rations are low or inadequate in bone minerals, trace-minerals and vitamins necessary to meet their needs for growth, pregnancy and general good health and longevity. Aged donkeys often suffer bone and arthritic problems.

Kohnke's Own DONKEY SUPREME™ has been formulated to make-up the short falls in the diets of donkeys when grazing on grass pastures, browsing on plants and being fed poor quality diets based on hay and straw to avoid laminitis and to maintain them.

Donkey Supreme is the world’s first supplement for donkeys of all ages and activity!

Based on a blend of 3 cold-pressed Supplet® pellets to NRC (2007) guidelines for donkeys, the innovative Supplet® blend eliminates sift-out, dust, sludging and nutrient interaction in feeds – in fact, many donkeys at grass can be offered the supplement off the hand or mixed in a small amount of chaff or finely chopped carrots or apples as a treat.

Kohnke's Own Donkey Supreme provides bone minerals for growing and aged donkeys of all sizes. Simply calculate the dose rate relative to your donkey’s body weight.  Regular supplementation with Donkey Supreme™ will help to maintain health and vitality, optimum coat condition and assist the immune response.

Dosage Rates:

Life Stage Grams/100kg of Body Weight
Young Donkeys (6mths - 2 years) 40g
Adult Donkeys 20g
Aged Donkeys over 20 years 30g
Pregnant Jennies (Last 3mths) 30g
Lactating Jennies (First 3mths) 40g

Give your donkey(s) a regular treat of Donkey Supreme off the hand – even twice weekly is adequate for middle-aged donkeys! Growing, pregnant or aged donkeys may require daily supplement to meet their specific nutrient needs.
Available in 1.4kg and 4kg. Larger stud packs available on request.

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