Racing Vet Hoof Gel
Racing Vet Hoof Gel - Great for abscesses, bruised soles and corns
Racing Vet Hoof Gel
The Racing Vet Hoof Gel is a unique formulation utilising the drawing and soothing properties of essential oils for the treatment of hoof abscesses , sole bruises and corns. Racing Vet Hoof Gel works to draw the hoof abscess without causing the sole to soften excessively. This means that using Racing Vet Hoof Gel can assist in a quicker and more successful return to work after resolution of an abscess.
The Hoof Gel is applied to the sole of the hoof. A Hoof Pad is then placed over the gel and secured with an adhesive bandage. This allows the gel to work as an osmotic poultice, drawing the abscess or bruise whilst maintaining the integrity of the sole.
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