Rebound Hoof Pack 1.6kg

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Rebound Hoof Pack

Use Rebound after a hard gallop, pulled shoes or a long days work, to keep your horse's hooves pain free

Rebound Hoof Pack

Rebound Hoof Pack ® is a super sticky product formulated to help with soreness of the hoof and to help with recovery of abscesses-WITHOUT HAVING TO WRAP! Use Rebound after a hard gallop, pulled shoes or a long days work. It is formulated with a special blend of Veterinarian recommended, all-natural ingredients that will help keep the correct moisture balance within the hoof and promote hoof growth. It contains tried and trusted ingredients that do not contravene equestrian or racing standards or irritate you or your horse’s skin! Washes off with warm water. It's so easy there's no excuse not to pack your horses hooves again!


Clean and dry the bottom of the horse hoof to ensure maximum absorption. Wet hand or glove, scoop out a generous amount and apply firmly to all structures of the bottom of the dry hoof, packing well into crevices. Cover the bottom of the hoof with shavings or paper. No need to wrap for shod horses but recommended for horses with no shoes.               


All-natural ingredients approve to use by FEI and do not contravene competition testing.

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